12 August 2009

Word Up Wednesday

Whats good people?! Ya know its amazing how much you can take from your experiences and the impact that they can have on your life for such a short of LONG time. It's sad that you can probably name the 3 saddest moments in life faster than you can name the 3 happiest. It seems like we are so quick to overlook the good the world because we are too afraid to see the negative. That has made people become so cynical that it isn't fair to anyone. But it's hard...it's extremely difficult to get pass what hurts you and what you are afraid of, so in response, we try to avoid a lot of it all together, which isn't a healthy way to approach life. Whether it be a guy or girl that you're talking to, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, sister, brother, friend or whatever, don't allow the things that people do to you become the rock that makes you stumble, let them become your stepping stone to ascend into a higher place in your life and move you to become a stronger, wiser, and happier YOU! God sends us all through trials and tribulations and I know that he will bring you out of anything YOU get yourself into, but I also believe that God gives us free will and enough sense to get ourselves out of a lot of things on our own! HE won't move in your life until you make room for him too! This week, try prioritizing the things in your life! (including people) Dont make anyone a priority to you unless you are a priority to them. Don't be afraid to step out on faith, but don't mistake faith with making an excuse to do something stupid! Spend time with the people you are close with. Spend a little money if you have to! Don't be afraid to live! Take some chances and try something that you wouldn't normally do! EXPERIENCE LIFE! Don't just let LIFE BE AN EXPERIENCE!

Truly Yours,

P.S. Check out my new song with my boy RSG!

05 August 2009

Word Up Wednesday!

What a week it has been! I've moved twice (only one time was for me), saw my boy's story on First 48, bought a puppy, fell in love with her in a day, then had to sell her, spent some QT with some of my closest friends, had a wreck in a U-Haul, bonded with the bruhs, got bit by a spider on my forehead, and made up with wifey, all the while dealing with my own personal problems. You know, minus the BS, life's great. Appreciate the little moments in life. They may not mean much later, but take time to relish in the moment, because everyone of them is a unique time and experience that will never happen again. Cherish the people closest to you and thank God for them. Try to pray in a different way! Talk to God! Tell him how u feel like you would tell ya best friend! Tell your parents you love them, even if they pissed you off. It's worth it. It's all worth it. Talk to yall next Wednesday.

P.S. Try to watch the national news at least once a day...it's a lot going on that effects our community and we've been in the dark long enough. Click the link to read about what going on with this health care plan.

-Merk Sum'n

***Sent From My iPhone***